Northland Barbershop Chorus

  • Code of Conduct,

  • Statement of Best Practices,

  • Code of Ethics

Enacted Sept., 2023

You may download and print the Code of Conduct and Best Practices document by clicking this link: 



  1. Arrive 5 to 10 minutes prior to 7 pm to be ready to participate in stretches and vocal warm-ups.

  2. Advise the director if you will be absent, late or must leave early a few hours prior to the singing practice. Be mindful that if the director is talking to you at 6:45 p.m., then he will be late for his own rehearsal.

  3. Put your cell phones on mute and put them away. Remove yourself from the singing area if you need to receive or make an important call.

  4. While the pitch is blown, all talking stops, concentrate on the note, and be ready for the director.

  5. At the end of the song, the director will indicate any corrections that need to be made for each section then say, "sidebar" to allow leaders to assist the section members with any musical corrections. Leaders may request a “sidebar” at any time.

  6. We are in close quarters to one another in our sections, please be aware of proper personal hygiene, and unnecessary conversations which may distract others.

  7. Give full attention to instructions being given - listen and watch the director.


  1. Stay hydrated all day. Bring your own water bottle to help your vocal cords throughout the practice.

  2. Be prepared for each practice, listen to and study the scheduled weekly song and know your part.

  3. Discipline is the key to success for the chorus; knowing notes and words are only half the battle. Proper preparation will make it easier to add inflections and feeling to the song, as well as improving the overall tone and choral presentation of the song.

  4. The use of a music stand will not only help you with your binder, but also keep your head up so you can watch the director. Pay attention to intros, rests, pick-ups, change in dynamics, fermatas-change in tempo, pronunciation of vowels, diphthongs (two vowels in a single syllable) and the length of notes - "sing to the end of the bar".

  5. Remain in the assigned areas given to each section and close to each other to attain the choral effect and aid in assisting with any corrections.


When a new member is inducted into the Sault Ste Marie Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) and thereby becomes a member of the Northland Barbershop Chorus, the following Code of Ethics is read as part of the induction ceremony.


The Sault Ste Marie Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society aspires to preserve for its members and for all future generations of prospective members the sacred right to seek haven from the burden of their daily cares through indulgence in vocal harmony, and to that end we do hereby solemnly pledge ourselves as follows:

1.    We shall endeavour to perpetuate the Barbershop Harmony Society, the Northland Chorus and the barbershop style of singing.

2.    We shall deport ourselves and conduct the Chapter's functions in such a manner as to reflect credit upon the Northland Chorus and its membership.

3.    We shall accept for membership congenial men of good character who love harmony in music and who have a desire to harmonize.

4.    We shall exhibit a spirit of good fellowship toward all members and pledge to treat one another with dignity and respect at all times, striving to resolve any conflicts with civility.

5.    We shall endeavour to spread the spirit of harmony throughout the world beginning with service to our community.

© 2025 Northland Barbershop Chorus
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