Barbershopper of the Year
The highest honour ever accorded to a member of the Northland Chorus is to be awarded the Barbershopper of the Year trophy, a work hand-crafted by now-deceased chorus member Ross Christie. It is awarded annually in memory of the late Eugene Haines, a long time chapter member and chorus director. It recognizes, in the words of 2015 BOTY Al Murray:
" dedication to our chorus and craft, not just this past year but more importantly for all the years he has been with us. In other words, true dedication."
The chorus nominates candidates for this award and the final selection is made by a committee comprised of the Chapter President and the past two BOTY recipients. The criteria which guides their selection and the current nomination form are available at the links below.
The 2019 Barbershopper(s) of the Year
for the first time ever - Dual Winners:
The text of the speech made by outgoing Barbershopper of the Year, Jesse Lethbridge in announcing this year's recipient at the annual Valentine Social, is as follows:
"The Barbershopper of the Year is awarded to an individual for his dedication and contribution to our chorus and craft.
"As last year’s recipient of the BOTY, I have the honour of passing the trophy and title to the next winner for another year of safe stewardship. Every year the recipient brings different values and contributions that benefit our chorus. This year’s announcement is not likely to repeat in the foreseeable future. Camaraderie, helpfulness, determination and teamwork characterize this recipient.
"Teamwork that has been demonstrated throughout the year speaks to the brotherhood of chorus singers, practicing weekly and spending time being constructive and supportive. In addition to teamwork the recipient has gone above and beyond engagement in all aspects of chorus activities, even working after class you might say.
"This year’s decision to select only one recipient was so difficult that it was decided to award the honour to a pair of terrific and deserving individuals. Notably, their attendance records last year were 93% and 100% respectively. Not a bad record to start things off, eh?
"After losing some section leaders last year the recipients together stepped up to fill some big shoes. They made the decision as a team and took great strides in demonstrating leadership with confidence, determination and hard work.
"These gentlemen joined the chorus-teaching group and filled an important gap for our organization. And what good section leaders they became. One of the pair suggested that the teaching group, consisting of two leaders from each section, form an octet that later becoming known as, “After Class”. This octet has successfully performed at several public events since its inception.
"The other one in the pair while battling a medical condition demonstrated great determination and love for our craft. He further spent extra time with students at his school teaching them a two-part harmony song that was scheduled to be performed in last year's show.
"Unable to split this amazing duo, the Northland Barbershop Chorus for the first time awards this honour to two recipients.
"It is my pleasure and honour to announce and present the 2019 Barbershopper of the Year Award to…
Congratulations gentlemen!"
Barbershopper of the Year Award Winners - Revised 2020.pdf
Barbershopper of the Year Award Winners - Revised 2020.docx
Barbershopper of the Year Award - Criteria Guidelines.doc
Past Barbershopper of the Year Recipients:
1965 Art Bodley
1966 Ken MacPherson
1967 Don Bazely
1968 Gordon Saxby
1969 Ed Briggs
1970 Ross Christie
1971 Not Awarded
1972 Ed Cloutier
1973 Richard Metcalfe
1974 Joe Rogers
1975 John Greco
1976 Eugene Haines
1977 Gerry Clowes
1978 Al Binkley
1979 Wes Triplett
1980 John Tully
1981 Ernie Guzzo
1982 Doug Iles
1983 Barney Coulter
1984 Bob Cameron
1985 Don Bazely
1986 Bob Shami
1987 Al Carscadden
1988 Jim Duncan
1989 Capt. Cliff McLean
1990 Paul Stabile
1991 Barney Coulter
1992 Bob Martin
1993 Bob Shami
1994 Dan Rae
1995 Mike Luther
1996 Sean McMurray
1997 Loyal Beggs
1998 Bill Webb
1999 Doug Iles
2000 Ross Christie
2001 Bernie Arbic
2002 Al Toivonen
2003 Art Fink
2004 Jim Lake
2005 Bob Holley
2006 Peter McLarty
2007 Wes Triplett
2008 Folgo DellaVedova
2009 Jim Schmidt
2010 Don Myers
2011 Ted McKinney
2012 Don White
2013 Mickey Contini
2014 Kevin Collar
2015 Al Murray
2016 Al Carscadden
2017 Layne Hill
2018 Jesse Lethbridge
2019 Dan Lance & Alex Trecroce