Celebrating 50 Years of Membership in the Northland Chorus
2017 marks the 56th year of operation since our founding in 1961. We are proud to recognize that this year, Al Carscadden achieved the status of being the Sault Ste. Marie Chapter's first 50-year member. This achievement was also recognized by the Barbershop Harmony Society which presented Al with a special pin marking his extraordinary achievement.
The pin was presented to Al on the night of Sept. 11, 2017 at the start of the Chapter's 57th season (see photos below).
Congratulations Al! May you enjoy many more years of singing and comaraderie with your friends in the Northland Chorus!
97 Years of Barbershop! Director Bob Shami (35 year member), 50-year man Al Carscadden, President Folgo Della Vedova (12 year member) - Sept. 11, 2017
As of Sept. 2017, the following chapter members have recently crossed the 40-year threshold on their way to joining Al in the very exclusive 50-year club:
Doug Iles - 40 Years
Layne Hill - 41 Years
Al Brown - 42 Years
Northland Chorus and 50-year man Al Carscadden - Sept. 11, 2017