Northland Barbershop Chorus Mission Statement


“To provide a fulfilling musical and personal experience for our membership and to enrich the life of our communities through barbershop harmony.”

Full size logo available as a jpg by clicking here:  Northland Chorus Logo.jpg


The logo of the Sault Ste. Marie Ontario Chapter of the BarbershopMo-sA8CxBXLaFG3DtVOchZb71MBa QfxDrrsd IokyI Harmony Society

represents an iconic barbershop singer whose International Bridge/handlebar moustache is symbolic of chorus membership coming from both sides of the Canada/USA border.


The red, white and blue colours represent the colours of the flags of both nations. The four bars in the hat represent the 4-part harmony that is the hallmark of the barbershop style, and recall the stripes of a traditional barber pole. The “oh” vowel being "sung" is the first sound in each country’s national anthem.

Logo designed by:
BCG Communications,
Winnipeg, Manitoba

International Bridge-Cropped

The International Bridge joins the twin cities of Sault Ste. Marie Ontario and Michigan and forms the moustache in the Northland Chorus logo

© 2025 Northland Barbershop Chorus
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